In its original, rough form, the pure Mermaid style is most closely related to the Soft Natural guidelines. In such a case, we are talking about its organic, i.e., very natural aspect. Here, the styling is not sophisticated, the fabrics should be natural, and the jewelry is artistic products made more or less professionally.
The second aspect of Mermaid Ethereal is the romantic aspect, more luxurious, and when it comes to style, it is closest to Crystal Ethereal. The highest degree of compatibility is achieved with the guidelines of Romantic and Soft Classic types. The main difference between the romantic aspect of the Mermaid style and the Crystal style is the color scheme and the type of fabrics and details. The discrepancy in stylish accents is also very vivid. Mermaid Ethereal focuses on poetic and artistic inspirations from nature. On the other hand, one of the most significant guidelines of the Crystal style is the manifestation of luxury and representativeness.
Mermaid Ethereal is the most feminine and, at the same time, one of the most delicate Ethereals. Only the Luminous has a comparable degree of lightness; however, the Yin/Yang levels are balanced here. It means that the Luminous, unlike the Mermaid, does not increase levels of Yin in beauty and aura.
The comparison between the Mermaid and the Mahogany is also fascinating. Both Ethereals share a high level of Yin but have extremely different styles and personality traits. Mahogany Ethereal can be presented as female power, Mermaid as female weakness.
Mermaid Ethereal’s faces often resemble sad doll faces with a distant, dreamy gaze. The Mermaid draws from the universal understanding of the romantic style. Therefore, airiness, gentleness, and softness are essential features of the style.
The Mermaid hairstyles should be based on curls or waves. The hairstyles should be romantic and at the same time as natural as possible. Please note that Hollywood smooth waves are assigned to the Crystal or Retro Fairytale Ethereal.
Mermaid Ethereal does not tolerate patterns and contrasts. Monochrome in light and medium-light colors will be most beneficial. The Mermaid colors are essentially all light and medium-light shades of blue and cyan. Of the dark colors, we have only the shades of blue-green.
Mermaid Ethereal can be seen in women of any color type. References to classic color analysis are mainly intended to indicate the target group in which the occurrence of a given Ethereal is more likely.
The essential elements of the Mermaid style are listed below.
The individual style elements should be adapted to the beauty features and the entire Ethereal configuration.
Mermaid – and all other Ethereals – can function as an independent element that makes up our type of beauty. In such a case, we are talking about the Ethereal type of beauty. We omit Kibbe typology and classic color analysis.
The above list presents the beauty features that Mermaid Ethereal is responsible for in its pure form. Please note that how we ultimately look is the result of several Ethereals combined together.
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