Sun Ethereal – the noblest of all Ethereals. Monumental, austere, slender like a column. Minimalistic, luxurious, elegantly shimmering with a smooth gold surface. It towers over other Ethereals like the sun over the earth. His energy is eminently Yang. This energy is joined by the powerful Noble element, meaning nobility, aristocratic features, and statuesque beauty. Often, it also means a majestic walk, a proud gaze, and a haughty way of being. Only Sun and Royal Ethereals possess a very strong Noble element. At the same time, Sun Ethereal, due to its brightness and minimalism, gives the impression of being nobler than the Royal, which is quite heavy in reception. However, the Noble level in both of these Ethereals has a similar power.
Sun Ethereal is an architect. It specializes in forms and shapes, which, when translated into style, means simply the cuts. They are the domain of the Sun. However, providing these cuts with the right colors is no longer the domain of the Sun. It is an exception when it comes to the subject of color. Sun is the only one of the Ethereal styles not limited only to its flagship colors. Yes, white and gold are very important here. However, having Sun Ethereal in your configuration means mostly an emphasis on the Sun forms. You can imagine them as origami made of paper that is not necessarily white. In that case, the form is delivered by the Sun, and the color is already a different Ethereal.
By the way, it is worth mentioning all the Ethereals with the Noble element. These are, in turn:
In the Sun’s style, it is also imperative that the fabrics are uniform, with no patterns. As for the colors, there must not be too many of them. The Sun allows you to use up to two in one styling. The second color can only be utilized in accessories. Of course, the colors used with Sun Ethereal’s cuts and forms will direct the styling to a different Ethereal.
Another essential function of the Sun is to lay the foundation for the noblest type of beauty, Angelic. This element is formed when Wind Ethereal joins the Sun. However, it is Sun that is crucial here. Its strength must be greater than that of Wind. We should also remember that not every combination of these two Ethereals will result in this unique and rare element. For Angelic to occur, the Sun and the Wind must fuse in a particular configuration and dominate the Ethereal configuration. And because we are dealing with androgyny (in features and aura), a woman’s beauty must be clearly characterized with Yang and a man’s beauty – with Yin.
The style of Sun Ethereal is most strongly associated with the Dramatic element. Like Crimson Ethereal, it is a foundation of straight, sharp, and vertical lines. Sun Ethereal also sets the direction for monochrome and minimalism.
The Sun is compatible with types: Dramatic, Dramatic Classic, Classic, and Gamine.
The essential elements of the Sun Ethereal style are listed below.
The individual style elements should be adapted to the beauty features and the entire Ethereal configuration.
Sun – and all other Ethereals – can function as an independent element that makes up our type of beauty. In such a case, we are talking about the Ethereal type of beauty. We omit Kibbe typology and classic color analysis.
The above list presents the beauty features that Sun Ethereal is responsible for in its pure form. Please note that how we ultimately look is the result of several Ethereals combined together.
I wonder if Hunter Schaefer has a Sun & Luminous blend. would love to see her typing! also always adore her looks and what she can pull off. but it seems to usually be on the sleeker end.
I personally see a lot of Wild ethereal, she looks great with long blonde hair and minimal makeup 🙂
Maybe she had Angelic?
She has Sun Etheral for me for sure ! 🙂×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/InStyle-March-Hunter-Schafer-Lead-1-2000-d22b481a389f408a99ab3b078e2923f1.jpg
I am not sure about Luminous…
But maybe…
I can see also something extravagant in her- I am not sure if it is Fairy Ehteral or Energetic Etheral or both.
i see fairytale ethereal as well
Olga Brylińska
Hunter Schafer – Dramatic with Angelic
Her Ethereals: strong Sun, Crimson, Wind, Sparkly
She’s the Sparkly Angel 🙂
now I realized – isn’t Hunter on a third photo on a collage showing Sun ethereal beauty features:D that’s her right?
Do you have a typing for the singer Lisa Gerrard?